Posts by Miranda Marquit:

How to Detect and Report Financial Elder Abuse
Miranda Marquit |
One of the sad truths about our society is that there are those who financially prey on others. Among the most tragic of cases are those involving the financial abuse of the elderly. It’s hard to deal with these situations because many seniors prefer to remain in charge of their finances throughout life. As a result, as their faculties decline, …
FICO 8 Credit Score
Miranda Marquit |
Let’s start with the basics, your FICO score. It’s a number created by the Fair Isaac Corporation. Your FICO score is a combined number that helps credit companies and lenders know how much risk you are and how well you’ve handled loans in the past. FICO scores range anywhere from 300 to 850. Typically, any score above 650 is considered …
Will Credit Inquiries Hurt Your Credit Score?
Miranda Marquit |
Your credit score is more important than ever. You can’t get a loan, rent an apartment, or buy a car without your credit score coming into play. There are several factors that go into deciding what your credit score is. Everything from your credit history too if you make payments on time. One factor that is included in your credit …
Getting Out of Jury Service
Miranda Marquit |
One of the most important civic duties we have as Americans is serving on a jury. A huge piece of our judicial system includes being able to have a trial of your peers rather than letting the government be judge, jury, and executioner. Yet many people try to get out of jury service simply for convenience and that is a …
How to Become an Independent Contractor
Miranda Marquit |
For years, I have been an independent contractor. I’ve grown my home business into something that earns a steady income for my family. In fact, I’m the primary breadwinner. Becoming an independent contractor is one of the most profitable small businesses to start this year. As an independent contractor, I have a degree of freedom in choosing my own schedule …
Top 9 Best (And Free) Online Budgeting Tools
Miranda Marquit |
In these tough economic times, many recognize the importance of financial planning. You want to ensure that your resources are directed to the best effect, and that means creating a spending plan that works well for your situation and helps you prepare for the future. Good budgeting software can help you take charge of your finances. Happily, a large number of free …